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Breaking the Silence

Project type

Comic Book - Short Comic






Breaking the Silence is a groundbreaking project that aims to raise awareness about intersexuality through an engaging comic format. This project was created by a talented team of 4 artists and 2 script writers, with the support of multiple organizations. The comic aims to break the taboo surrounding this subject and provide a platform for individuals to share their stories and experiences. Through this project, the team hopes to promote understanding and acceptance for those who are intersex but also their families and loved ones.

Here you can view the pages that I drew and colored in collaboration with writers Pavle Zelić and Kristian Ranđelović

The comic was published by System Comics in Serbia
The artists involved in the project are: Dragana Radanović, Danica Jevđović and Ana Milojković
In Partership with: French Institute in Serbia, Goethe Institute in Serbia, XY Spectrum, Comic-Aunties, KomubikArt Agency
With the support of: AFD Metis fund and Heinreich Boll Stiftung

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